

Sunday, January 14, 2007

(This is for a discussion group and may be of interest otherwise as well.)
(Thanks to Florian Cramer and Jim Reith and others who helped with programming.)

Text Manipulation Examples

-- scroll through texts
trAce Lost Project


Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a
landscape of death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where nothing
lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are
contested. I think of the unholy matri-patrimony of aM and what it has led
to, almost a denial that only Rilke was capable of. Actually climbing to
the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now, as if I
have robbed the experience of another. Memories always teeter on the verge
of recognition.

Back through awk
for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- )
printf "%s ", $i;
printf "\n";

a landscape, every slaughter, by and of organism an is organism Every
nothing Where Alps. the haunt elephants Hannibal's death. of landscape
are life of exigencies limited the where boundaries fuzzy has always lives
led has it what and aM of matri-patrimony unholy the of think I contested.
to climbing Actually of. capable was Rilke only that denial a almost to,
I if as now, memory impossible an seems grave, the church, the bluff, the
verge the on teeter always Memories another. of experience the robbed have
recognition. of


a ,epacsdnal yreve ,rethguals yb dna fo msinagro na si msinagro yrevE
gnihton erehW .splA eht tnuah stnahpele s'labinnaH .htaed fo epacsdnal
era efil fo seicnegixe detimil eht erehw seiradnuob yzzuf sah syawla sevil
del sah ti tahw dna Ma fo ynomirtap-irtam ylohnu eht fo kniht I .detsetnoc
ot gnibmilc yllautcA .fo elbapac saw ekliR ylno taht lained a tsomla ,ot
I fi sa ,won yromem elbissopmi na smees ,evarg eht ,hcruhc eht ,ffulb eht
egrev eht no reteet syawla seiromeM .rehtona fo ecneirepxe eht debbor evah
.noitingocer fo

Tac through vi :g/^/mo0

of recognition.
have robbed the experience of another. Memories always teeter on the verge
the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now, as if I
to, almost a denial that only Rilke was capable of. Actually climbing to
contested. I think of the unholy matri-patrimony of aM and what it has led
lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are
landscape of death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where nothing
Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a

tr A-Z a-z

every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a
landscape of death. hannibal's elephants haunt the alps. where nothing
lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are
contested. i think of the unholy matri-patrimony of am and what it has led
to, almost a denial that only rilke was capable of. actually climbing to
the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now, as if i
have robbed the experience of another. memories always teeter on the verge
of recognition.

tr transposition

Evory orqknssm ss kn orqknssm op knn ly slkuqrtor, ovory lknnsmkpo, k
lknnsmkpo op noktr. Hknnslkl's oloprknts rkunt tro Alps. Wroro notrsnq
lsvos klwkys rks puzzy lounnkrsos wroro tro lsmston oxsqonmsos op lspo kro
montoston. I trsnk op tro unroly mktrs-pktrsmony op kM knn wrkt st rks lon
to, klmost k nonskl trkt only Rslko wks mkpkllo op. Amtuklly mlsmlsnq to
tro llupp, tro mrurmr, tro qrkvo, sooms kn smposssllo momory now, ks sp I
rkvo rollon tro oxporsonmo op knotror. Momorsos klwkys tootor on tro vorqo
op romoqnstson.


Evory orgonosm os on orgonosm of ond by slooghtor, ovory londscopo, o
londscopo of dooth. Honnobol's olophonts hoont tho Alps. Whoro nothong
lovos olwoys hos fozzy boondoroos whoro tho lomotod oxogoncoos of lofo oro
contostod. I thonk of tho onholy motro-potromony of oM ond whot ot hos lod
to, olmost o donool thot only Rolko wos copoblo of. Actoolly clombong to
tho bloff, tho chorch, tho grovo, sooms on ompossoblo momory now, os of I
hovo robbod tho oxporoonco of onothor. Momoroos olwoys tootor on tho vorgo
of rocognotoon.


Everyway organismway isway anway organismway ofway andway ybay
aughterslay, everyway andscapelay, away andscapelay ofway eathday.
Annibalhay'say elephantsway aunthay ethay Alpsway. Erewhay othingnay
iveslay alwaysway ashay uzzyfay oundariesbay erewhay ethay imitedlay
exigenciesway ofway ifelay areway ontestedcay. IWAY inkthay ofway ethay
unholyway atrimay-atrimonypay ofway aMway andway atwhay itway ashay edlay
otay, almostway away enialday atthay onlyway Ilkeray asway apablecay
ofway. Actuallyway imbingclay otay ethay uffblay, ethay urchchay, ethay
avegray, eemssay anway impossibleway emorymay ownay, asway ifway IWAY
avehay obbedray ethay experienceway ofway anotherway. Emoriesmay alwaysway
eetertay onway ethay ergevay ofway ecognitionray.

Punched Cards
| o .o o|
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while () {
@words = split /[\s]+/, $_;
@spaces = split /[\S]+/, $_;
for ($x=0; $x <= $#words; $x++) { $word_count{$words[$x]}++; if ($word_count{$words[$x]} == 1) {print $words[$x],$spaces[$x+1]} } } Every organism is an of and by slaughter, every landscape, a landscape death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where nothing lives always has fuzzy boundaries where limited exigencies life are contested. I think unholy matri-patrimony aM what it led to, almost denial that only Rilke was capable of. Actually climbing to bluff, church, grave, seems impossible memory now, as if have robbed experience another. Memories teeter on verge recognition. #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 while () {
@words = split /[\s]+/, $_;
@spaces = split /[\S]+/, $_;
for ($x=0; $x <= $#words; $x++) { $word_count{$words[$x]}++; if ($word_count{$words[$x]} == 1) {print $words[$x],$spaces[$x+1],$words[$x-8],"\n"} } } Every organism organism of is and an by of every and landscape, by a slaughter, Every every organism landscape, is a an landscape death. death. elephants Hannibal's haunt elephants the haunt Alps. the Where Alps. nothing Where landscape nothing of lives boundaries always where has the fuzzy limited boundaries exigencies ... Mathesis &parse_file_into_words("zz", 4000, " \$i/4 - 10 * sin(\$i * 20)"); sub parse_file_into_words { print "\n"; #blank line my ($extract_filename, $iterations, $formula) = @_; open(IN, "< $extract_filename") or die("can't open $extract_filename: $!"); my $line, $i, $index; my $full_file = ""; while ($line = )
$full_file = join " ", $full_file, $line;
my @words = split(/\s+/, $full_file);
for ($i=1; $i<=$iterations; $i++) { $index = word_index($i, $formula)-1; print "$words[$index] "; } print "\n"; #blank line } sub word_index { my $ret_val; my ($i, $formula) = @_; $ret_val = eval($formula); return int $ret_val; } another. always organism slaughter, organism on another. recognition. slaughter, every always the of a and verge teeter organism a a organism the recognition. slaughter, death. slaughter, recognition. verge of death. of an of organism landscape haunt landscape, Every slaughter, haunt Hannibal's of organism Hannibal's Alps. landscape is is landscape Where the by is slaughter, Alps. lives of organism of Hannibal's always Where every organism a lives has Hannibal's and slaughter, Alps. boundaries lives a by Hannibal's boundaries boundaries haunt every landscape always limited has of landscape, Alps. limited limited Alps. a Hannibal's boundaries life fuzzy Hannibal's of lives life of nothing death. Alps. exigencies contested. where haunt elephants boundaries I are always haunt lives are of limited Alps. Alps. exigencies the I fuzzy Alps. boundaries of unholy of lives always are of of where lives limited matri-patrimony aM are has boundaries of what unholy limited fuzzy are and what I where limited matri-patrimony led of of the think led led of limited are what almost and are of matri-patrimony a almost unholy life think led that it I contested. what only denial of contested. matri-patrimony denial was led of of led capable only aM of and Rilke of. almost matri-patrimony matri-patrimony denial climbing was what matri-patrimony led Actually to denial aM what was bluff, of. has and denial the bluff, only what led Actually church, climbing to, has Rilke church, church, Rilke led denial bluff, seems the denial almost Actually seems grave, capable almost Rilke the memory the only that the now, impossible Actually that Actually impossible as the was was the I now, to was the as have seems of. Actually impossible the if bluff, Actually the have the an to bluff, as of have church, to an of another. memory bluff, the robbed always the grave, the as always always as the an of the of an grave, robbed the on I seems as teeter recognition. Memories now, memory of recognition. verge robbed memory have verge teeter if if teeter recognition. experience if of on have robbed verge another. have always verge the of always experience verge recognition. another. teeter on Memories always verge verge on the recognition. of recognition. GoogleScrape (raw) "landscape of sex and death" true In Kevin Pattersons fictional debut, Country of Cold: Stories of Sex and Death, landscapes of physical and emotional extremes are traversed by a group of ... Pattersons fictional debut, Country of Cold: Stories of Sex and Death, landscapes of physical and emotional extremes are traversed by a group of ... Sex harassment cases tread rough landscape ... Gamow said he had not engaged in sex with Ruehlman. Liquor store rampage ends in death ... true pop ought to offer a deeply alluring landscape, both actual and symbolic, You - the Sex Pistols, the Clash, or any of those other Golden Age ... significance do other landscapes, like the desert and the English countryside, Can you find other places in the novel where sex and death are ... 03&view=rg 28k true What significance do other landscapes, like the desert and the English countryside, Does it seem to you that Almasy links sex with death and pain? ... ew=rg 26k true What significance do other landscapes, like the desert and the English countryside, Can you find other places in the novel where sex and death are ... 132k true This singular book follows a mad, tumultuous landscape without remorse or Gilmore obsesses on a relentless panorama of sex, violence and death in five ... the authors note, Cerda s Aftermath and Buttgereit s Nekromantik (1 and 2) may signal a saturation point for sex and death, but without these films there ... 93?OpenDocument 19k true Respect for the opposite sex and the Christian interpretation of death when deciding on the research method for the Swiss wish landscape study, landscape of sex and death Simple perl program results: Give a name to your hunger! This Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a speeds endlessly through the body - Your squeezed is the currency of your drug - Ah... Your lost-body-skins are your juice? I love these feelings, Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a ... for ecstasy me in your juice! What do you call your the squeezed? Your drugs - list them... one by one, each on a line alone, typing Control-d when done. My the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now, as if I is yours... lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are calls forth cock on, eating, core-dumping. inside the heavens, lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are is , 039], landscape of death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where nothing? ... on is contested. I think of the unholy matri-patrimony of aM and what it has led here, it's on? Are you properly compiling lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are? For 1 the days, I have been junkie Julu ... and it has taken you just 0.133 minutes turning on ... =====

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